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Reproductive Freedom


AD76 reproductive freedom

On June 24th, 2022, Assemblymember Brian Maienschein released a statement addressing the decision that was made by SCOTUS overturning Roe V. Wade.

“In my lifetime, I never thought we would see the Supreme Court strip away such a fundamental human right. Millions of Americans have relied on this legal principle for the nearly 50 years that Roe v. Wade has stood in our country. Today, that right was revoked, changing the lives of countless individuals for years to come. I am horrified that my daughters woke up this morning to a country that allows them fewer rights than the women of my generation were provided. But we will continue the fight against the Supreme Court’s shameful dereliction of their duty so that our daughters, granddaughters and generations to come will not have to live with the impact of this decision. “In California, we are making it unambiguously clear that reproductive freedom and abortion will remain safe and accessible. I am a proud coauthor of SCA 10 to protect a woman’s fundamental right to choose. We will not let our state regress back to a time when women risked their lives for reproductive choice. I stand alongside the countless Americans outraged today, and am committed to ensuring that California remains a sanctuary for women,” said Assemblymember Brian Maienschein.

Assemblymember Brian Maienschein is a dedicated advocate for reproductive rights, working tirelessly to ensure access for all by championing legislation that protects the right to choose. He continues to be a pivotal force in advancing reproductive justice and safeguarding essential healthcare services.

Fighting for reproductive rights means advocating for everyone’s fundamental freedom to make decisions about their own bodies - including access to contraception, abortion, and reproductive healthcare - and resisting efforts to restrict or control individual’s reproductive choices. This fight is essential for personal autonomy, gender equality, and social justice.

Safeguarding Reproductive Rights Through Legislative Action

SCA 10 - Constitutional Protections for Reproductive Freedom. Assemblymember Maienschein coauthored SCA 10 which placed a measure on the ballot to protect reproductive freedom in California’s Constitution. By enshrining these rights in the state constitution, SCA 10 aimed to protect reproductive autonomy at the highest legal level.

  • SB 487 (2023) - Abortion: Provider Protections
    • Prohibits Health Insurers from Penalizing a Doctor who performs an Abortion Procedure
  • SB 345 (2023)Healthcare services: Legally protected healthcare activities
    •  Establishes State Protections for Health Care Providers who Prescribe an Abortion or Gender-Affirming Care from Out-of-State Legal Action
  • AB 2091 (2022)Disclosure of information prohibition
    • The bill would stop healthcare providers, health plans, contractors, or employers from sharing any medical information about a person seeking or getting an abortion.
  • AB 2134 (2022) - Reproductive health care
    • Establishes the CA Reproductive Health Equity Program which will provide grants to providers who provide uncompensated care to patients with low-incomes and those who face other financial barriers.
  • AB 2223 (2022) -Pregnancy Outcome Protection
    • Protects women from being prosecuted for adverse pregnancy outcomes such as miscarriages or stillbirths.
  • AB 1356 (2021)Protecting Patients and Providers
    • The bill made it illegal to publicly post or share personal information or images of patients, providers, or assistants at reproductive health care facilities without their consent, especially if done with the intent to incite harm or intimidation

Legislative Scoring
Legislative scoring on reproductive rights evaluates lawmakers based on their voting record and support for policies related to reproductive health. Assemblymember Maienschein has consistently received 100% scores with Planned Parenthood and an A rating from Reproductive Freedom for All California (formerly NAARAL Pro-Choice America) reflecting his alignment with protecting these rights.

Assemblymember Maienschein has been recognized for his unwavering commitment to reproductive rights and advancing women’s healthcare with several prestigious awards. His leadership and dedication to protecting reproductive freedom have made him a key advocate in California.

  • January 2022 – Reproductive Health Care Champion (Planned Parenthood) For his 100% Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC) Legislative Score Card in 2021 – “Thank you for protecting and expanding reproductive health care in California.”
  • May 21, 2019 – 2019 Legislative Champion Award (March of Dimes) For his outstanding leadership, passion and tireless efforts to support key programs and policies that improve the health of all women, children and infants in California.
  • February 10, 2019 – Maternal Mental Health Champion Award (Maternal Mental Health Now) for his work on maternal mental health legislation in 2018.