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2023 Legislation

AB 253: Child Death Investigations – Review Teams
Fills significant gaps in reporting of child deaths across California by requiring each Child Death Review Team to meet their requirements of identifying and reviewing suspicious child deaths each year and to post this report on the internet website of the county, while also requiring` the Attorney General to ensure adequate funding is available for the Statewide Child Death Review Council.

AB 288: Revocable Transfer on Death Deeds - Stock Cooperatives
Modifies the revocable transfer on the death deed statute to make it more practical for stock cooperatives. 

AB 357: Animal Test Methods – Alternatives
Ensure alternatives to animal testing are utilized once they become available and appropriate for use.

AB 367: Controlled Substances – Enhancements
Would clarify that the phrase “great bodily injury” applies when a person sells or otherwise provides fentanyl to a person who subsequently suffers a significant or substantial physical injury from using the substance.

AB 423: Department of Justice – Missing Persons
Creates a statewide taskforce to address the issue of wandering persons with cognitive impairments, spearheaded by the California Department of Justice whom shall establish a California Wandering Prevention Taskforce consisting of no more than 20 members.

AB 456: Public Postsecondary Education – Campus Mental Health Hotlines
Requires California State University (CSU) and California Community Colleges (CCC) campuses to develop a detailed plan to create a campus mental health hotline, if one does not already exist, for students to access mental health services remotely. 

AB 594: Labor Code: Alternative Enforcement
Expands and strengthens the tools available to public agencies that protect workers from widespread wage theft and other labor law violations.

AB 615: International Commercial Arbitration – Procedure
AB 615 will incorporate the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Model Law’s 2006 amendments into California’s arbitration law, an important update to encourage international commercial arbitrations being held in California as opposed to other jurisdictions.

AB 667: Firearms – Gun Violence Restraining Orders
Requires courts to issue a gun violence restraining order for a mandatory five years if the court finds that someone is an extreme risk of violence, including repeated offenses of specified facts that happened within the preceding 12 months.

AB 781: Accessibility to Emergency Information and Services - Shelters
Ensures local governments designate emergency shelters, warming centers, and cooling centers that are able to accommodate people with pets. This bill removes the question from residents' minds about whether they may be forced to choose between safety and their beloved animal. 

AB 806: Crimes in Multiple Jurisdictions
Expands the list of domestic violence-related crimes that can be tried in one justification. This bill will help protect repeat victims of domestic violence.

AB 853: Retail Grocery Stores and Retail Drug Stores - Acquisition
Requires grocery or drug retail companies to notify the California Attorney General 180 days before finalizing a proposed merger and share a report on how this merger would affect communities and workers. Residents of California deserve to know about company mergers that could affect the supply of food and medicine. 

AB 950: Accessibility to Emergency Information and Services – Emergency Shelters Persons with Pets
Addresses issues with internet website accessibility by creating a provision in state law that if the website of a business meets a specified standard of accessibility, it complies with California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act and Disabled Persons Act.

AB 972: Local Assistance and Grant Program Streamlining Workgroup
Requires the Office of Planning and Research to convene a working group with the eventual goal of creating a streamlined process that allows local governments to apply for multiple grant programs using only one application. 

AB 1047: Firearms Purchase Notification Registry
Requires the DOJ to develop an internet platform where someone can voluntarily register their name to alert a licensed behavioral health clinician that they are attempting to purchase a firearm within the 10-day waiting period to purchase a firearm.

AB 1085: Medi-Cal – Housing Support Services
Requires the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to seek any necessary federal approvals for a Medi-Cal benefit to cover housing support services.

AB 1145: Workers’ Compensation
Establishes a rebuttable presumption that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suffered by nursing staff who provide direct care to prison inmates and state hospital patients is a workplace injury.

AB 1214: Courts – Remote Technology
Extends the sunset date authorizing the use of remote court proceedings for adult criminal matters as well as providing additional safeguards to protect the accused and preserve the integrity of trial court proceedings.

AB 1253: Hearsay - Exceptions
Prevents victims from being repeatedly forced to relive their trauma by permitting specified statements previously made to law enforcement to be used in place of testimony for the purposes of the SVP probable cause hearing. We must protect victims of sexual assault and treat them with dignity and respect; this bill allows for that to happen. 

AB 1280: Fire Hazard Severity Zones - Disclosures
Expands the breadth of knowledge a buyer receives when making a home purchase by requiring additional disclosures related to fire risks.

AB 1329: County Jail Incarcerated Persons - Identification Card Pilot Program
This pilot program with the San Diego County Sheriff's Office allows for incarcerated people to get a government-issued ID faster. This bill will help them get services as soon as they are released, so they do not have to wait to get services like medical, housing, and right-to-work documents.

AB 1366: Unfair Competition and False Advertising - Disgorgement
Creates a Victims of Consumer Fraud Restitution Fund in the state Treasury to ensure that there is a source of funds to help compensate victims who would otherwise go without compensation due to the defendant's inability to pay restitution.

AB 1473: School Curriculum – Health Framework – Physical Education Framework
Requires that when the health and physical education framework for California Public Schools are each revised, the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) consider increasing content related to hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and including automated external defibrillator (AED) training. 

AB 1684: Local Ordinances
With the passing of this legislation, local governments will have the authority to directly apply administrative fines or penalties for any unauthorized commercial cannabis activity in addition to cannabis cultivation activity.

ACR 40: California STEAM Robotics Day
Proclaims March 25, 2023, as California STEAM Robotics Day.