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Assemblymember Brian Maienschein Secures $2.2 Million & Introduces Two New Bills To Combat Gun Violence

For immediate release:
Assemblymember Brian Maienschein

SAN DIEGO — Assemblymember Brian Maienschein and Mayor Todd Gloria announced state funding to help further utilize California’s landmark red flag law and remove firearms from dangerous situations. Asm. Maienschein also shared information about two new bills he authored to help prevent gun violence.

The City Attorney’s Office has already used Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs) to remove over 1,500 firearms from dangerous situations. With this funding, the Office will be able to collaborate with neighboring jurisdictions and help them create their own Gun Violence Response Units.

“The GVRO process works and has saved lives in San Diego,” stated Assemblymember Brian Maienschein. “But gun violence is not constrained by city borders. I have secured $2.2 million in funding for the City Attorney’s Office to help replicate this success with other agencies in the San Diego area. Helping our neighboring cities and counties get guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals helps keep San Diegans safe as well.”

“From banning ghost guns to aggressively pursuing gun violence restraining orders, the City of San Diego continues to be on the leading edge of protecting people from gun violence,” added Mayor Todd Gloria. “To advance these efforts, I’m proud to announce the City’s support of new gun violence prevention legislation authored by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein and to accept $2.2 million in state funding he helped secure to further prevent gun-related tragedies and save lives.”

Assemblymember Maienschein has authored several bills to combat gun violence over the past few years. This year he has introduced two additional bills, AB 2519 and AB 2739.

“Under current law, certain misdemeanors, such as assault or child endangerment, result in a firearm prohibition for ten years when a defendant is found guilty,” elaborated Asm. Maienschein. “However, if a judge allows a defendant accused of a crime on that list to pursue diversion instead, there are no firearm prohibitions. That is why I am authoring Assembly Bill 2519, to prevent defendants pursuing pre-trial diversion from possessing a firearm until they complete diversion.”

Asm. Maienschein also introduced Assembly Bill 2739, which would close another loophole by ensuring that people who carry guns illegally face the same consequences. Both Asm. Maienschein and Mayor Gloria emphasized the need to adapt laws to give police officers and court officials the appropriate tools to continue to work to keep the public safe.