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Creek to Bay Cleanup

Event Address

Penasquitos Pump Station
10150 Cara Way
San Diego, CA 92131
United States

Assemblymember Brian Maienschein and I Love A Clean San Diego invite you to celebrate Earth Day 2023 at the annual Creek to Bay Cleanup.

For the past 7 years, Assemblymember Maienschein has partnered with I Love A Clean San Diego to serve as Site Captain for one of the various cleanup locations throughout the county. This year, Assemblymember Maienschein will be leading the Los Peñasquitos Canyon East location alongside Co-Captain Park Ranger Melanie Fontana. Volunteers will be meeting at 10150 Cara Way, San Diego CA, 92131.

Your help in joining this effort can make a significant difference in the environmental safety of the region. Here’s why your volunteering matters:

  • 80% of all coastal debris begins inland
  • By 2050, there could be more plastics than fish by weight in the world’s oceans if we don’t protect our waterways from pollution
  • Because we want to keep San Diego County a clean and safe space for generations to come

Registration is now open and is required to participate. Find more information about Assemblymember Maienschein’s cleanup location and RSVP HERE.

For more information, call (858) 675-0760.